What Happened When I Went Shampoo Free
I’ve always had a problem with my hair. It’s never been very thick and I experience a lot of my hair dropping. This has always been something that chips away at my self confidence. I’ve tries all sorts of remedies, but nothing much works. I read online a couple of years ago about a lady who tried going shampoo-free for a month to counter her hair loss, so I thought I would give it a try.
The basic concept is very simple.
No shampoo for 30 days, just water. This means that you can wash your hair daily, several times even, with nothing but clean water.
What It Did for My Hair
So during the first three days, it went quite alright. I would give my hair a rinse with just water once a day, after coming home from work. However, after about a week, I found that my hair was too heavy with oil.
I came to the conclusion that this ‘shampoo-free’ routine was fine for people with dry to normal hair, but was unsuitable for those with oily hair like me. In the end, I did complete the 30 days, but only in a partial manner. This meant that I washed my hair with a shampoo every 3-4 days or so. It did help my hair grow a little bit more in that period. I believe taking a break from shampooing does save my hair from over-drying.
Continuing the Practice Today
Up until today, I’ll go shampoo free ( or rather, Glycerin soap free) for one day each week, especially if I didn’t do much physical activity that day. I find it helps my hair replenish in natural oils and moisture, which makes more thicker and healthier hair.
So based on my own experience, the ‘no-poo’ movement isn’t for everyone, but going shampoo free from time to time does help your hair thrive in the long term.
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