Shampoo ingredients that you should watch out for
Have you even bothered to read the ingredients listed on your shampoo bottle? If you are constantly in a rush, then you do not have the time to read the label. No matter how glamorous shampoos may be, they are harmful. They have are all sorts of chemicals that can harm the hair and affect your overall health. Reading the label on the back of the skin product is therefore very important. Only after carefully reading the label on the bottle, is it possible to have a good idea about the ingredients. Shampoos contain unpronounceable ingredients. What do those long names mean, anyway? In this article, we will go through a few of these chemicals. Stop what you are doing right now and read about toxic shampoo chemicals. These are the ingredients to watch out for.
Parabens are used to prevent the growth of bacteria, mould, and yeast in shampoos. They are meant to prolong the shelf life of hair products. Unfortunately, parabens can lead to reproductive problems and organ toxicity. What happens is that the chemicals are absorbed into the skin because they aren’t rinsed properly. The shampoo ingredient can disturb the hormonal balance, mimicking the activity of the estrogen hormone, and leads to hair loss.
Ammonium lauryl sulfate (ALS) and sodium laureate sulfate (SLS)
Ammonium lauryl sulfate can be derived from coconut, yet it is usually made in the lab. It’s used in shampoos, as well as in soaps. ALS is considered not to be very dangerous because it’s very hard for the molecules to penetrate the layers of the skin. There is a good reason to be worried about sulfate, though. Ammonium lauryl sulfate is a harsh detergent. It doesn’t cause cancer, as many claim, but it can irritate the skin. Get ALS in your eyes and you’ll see how it stings. As for sodium laureate sulfate, it can be contaminated with toxic manufacturing impurities.
Sodium chloride
Sodium chloride, commonly known as table salt, is utilized in shampoos and conditioners containing sodium lauryl sulfate. It acts as a thickening agent. Sodium chloride can cause your scalp to get dry and itchy. While you’ll enjoy your shampoo for a longer period of time, you’ll be spreading all that salt in your hair. You could end up losing your hair. If you’re having keratin treatment, it’s best to avoid hair care products with sodium chloride because it will dissolve the keratin.
Diethanolamine (DEA) and Triethanolamine (TEA)
Diethanolamine is found in many shampoos, even though it’s cancerous. DEA compounds may become carcinogenic, which is the reason why the ingredient isn’t always listed on the label. If the shampoo ingredient doesn’t cause skin cancer, then it will certainly cause scalp irritations (itches, burns) and allergic reactions. Triethanolamine is used as a foaming agent and it adds fragrance to skin care products. You may like the way the bubbles make your scalp feel, but you’ll certainly not like having brittle and dry hair.
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